Banned by Google

Have you been banned by Google. Did you received the dreaded email stating that your account has been terminated for invalid clicks or whatever there reason was? Here are ALTERNATIVES to Google Adsense and More.. Sign up for FREE and earn extra cash today

Location: TeXaS, United States

Monday, November 13, 2006

Banned by Google

Have you been banned by Google. You open your email and receive the dreade mail saying that your account has been terminated for invalid clicks or whatever there reason. Once terminated it is very difficult for you to get your account reactivated. So now what do you do? You have a website but no way to earn extra income. Luckily for you and me Google is not the only Contextual Ad Publisher. Yes you make more money with Google but life goes on....Read the next post to see what else is available.

My goal is to provide other sources for earning income via the internet.

Have a Awesome Day



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